This is an archived version of the 2010 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
12 to 14 May 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
Brian Fling
Brian Fling is an authority in the field of mobile user experience and designing for multiple contexts. He has worked with hundreds of businesses from early stage start-ups to Fortune 50 companies to leverage a variety of mediums, like mobile devices, to design for the needs and context of real people.

Brian is a frequent author and speaker on the issues on mobile design, the mobile web and mobile user experience, teaching people how to leverage mobile all over the world. Brian is also the founder and president of pinch/zoom, a design and development agency specializing on mobile experiences helping its clients dive into the world of mobile.

Brian Fling


Designing Mobile Experiences


In the last year we've learned something that we suspected, but never really knew about mobile, great mobile design sells. But great mobile design doesn't start in Photoshop, it starts by understanding the users, the business goals, the intended devices and a million other tiny variables. Who better to solve these problems than the designer?

In this workshop led by Brian Fling, author of O'Reilly's Mobile Design and Development, we will deconstruct a variety of successful mobile experiences from the old green screens to today's hottest iPhone apps. We'll identify what works in the mobile context and why. But more importantly we'll learn how we can design incredible mobile experiences for today and for tomorrow.

What we will cover in this workshop:

Thursday, 13 May @ 09:00-12:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 10:30-11:00
Room 2


The Next Ten Years

These days it can difficult how to plan for the next year, let alone the next five. If you look at the innovation in just the last ten years we've gone from iMac to iPad, from proprietary technology to open standards, from cell phones to smart phones, from walled gardens to well... more walled gardens. There has never been more opportunity, the question is for what?

In this talk Brian Fling will share his experiences helping some of the biggest companies in the world to embrace new technology like mobile devices. He'll lead a frank discussion in what has worked and what hasn't for the past ten years, and how to take these lessons to develop your own road map for the next ten years.

Friday, 14 May @ 15:25-16:05
40 minutes
Auditorium I

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Platinum Sponsors:
Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Sponsors:
Flag Moo ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion London User Research Centre Hello Group Corefactor
Silver Sponsors:
O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Wiley Tobii Technology
Axure - See it happen Goplan Survs - Asking for you Usabilla - Transparent Usability SensoMotoric Instruments Balsamiq Studios invoic€xpress
Media Sponsors:
Want Magazine UX Booth Lucrat Fresh GUI

Partners and Supporters:
TAP Portugal VIP Hotels AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Hospedeiras e Promotoras de Eventos SpringEventsMadeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Associação para a Promoção do Multimédia e da Sociedade Digital e-Skills Week
Log - Open Source Consulting Lisboa Convention Bureau Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações Cortes de Cima Nokia