This is an archived version of the 2010 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
12 to 14 May 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
simple and easy

Registration Form

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Prices shown include all taxes and are final.


If you're running into trouble with registration or if you can't pay by credit card, we offer you these alternatives:

Bank Transfer

Send a message with your name, email and contact number to and we will send you back all the instructions you'll need to follow.


Send us the information for the tickets you want to purchase along with your name, company's name (if applicable), email, contact number, full address and tax number to We will send you back an invoice.

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Platinum Sponsors:
Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Sponsors:
Flag Moo ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion London User Research Centre Hello Group Corefactor
Silver Sponsors:
O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Wiley Tobii Technology
Axure - See it happen Goplan Survs - Asking for you Usabilla - Transparent Usability SensoMotoric Instruments Balsamiq Studios invoic€xpress
Media Sponsors:
Want Magazine UX Booth Lucrat Fresh GUI

Partners and Supporters:
TAP Portugal VIP Hotels AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Hospedeiras e Promotoras de Eventos SpringEventsMadeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Associação para a Promoção do Multimédia e da Sociedade Digital e-Skills Week
Log - Open Source Consulting Lisboa Convention Bureau Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações Cortes de Cima Nokia