This is an archived version of the 2010 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
12 to 14 May 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
Javier Darriba
Javier is Founder and Managing Director of UserZoom, Inc, a leading global remote usability testing solution in the market. In addition to UserZoom, Javier is CEO and Founder of Xperience Consulting, the first and one of the biggest User Experience consulting firms in Spain. He is a teacher for HCI and User Research in several top Spanish Universities and has co-authored the “Handbook of Global User Research.”

UserZoom has offices in the US, UK and Spain and has worked on numerous remote usability testing projects throughout the world for over 7 years. We started in early 2001 and since then have worked with the largest (many fortune 1000) corporations in Europe and the U.S. handling various projects using many (if not all) of the standard research techniques (including UserZoom) to produce high quality actionable results.

Javier Darriba


Using Remote Usability Testing in an Agile Development

Automated remote usability testing is the perfect technique to gather user’s feedback in a multicultural and multilingual scenario. It is not only extremely valuable when you need to gather both qualitative and quantitative data but also when you need to benchmark against your competitors.

This technique combines various research methods that share the following unique characteristics:

The economic globalization, partly boosted by the global and open nature of the Internet, has complicated the work of information architects, interaction designers and user experience researchers.

There is a high demand that their developments, designs, and sites be used together by users from all over the world (i.e. America, Spain, China, Brazil, etc.). This requires a high level of satisfaction with the overall user experience. This may only be achieved by involving user feedback and testing throughout every stage of the development process. In most cases, this needs to be accomplished quickly and at times with a limited budget. In addition, researchers are asked to conduct User Experience Benchmarking which is not easy to do considering the budget, time and limitations in reaching an appropriate number of users. To further add to this challenge, key stakeholders require accurate metrics from user experience activities in order to calculate the ROI of their investments. With all these requirements, it makes it extremely difficult to impossible to accomplish and meet all these goals.

In this talk we will explain, using examples and case studies, how automated remote usability testing can be used for:

In addition, we will answer most frequently asked questions when using or exploring automated remote usability testing.

Wednesday, 12 May @ 14:00-14:20
20 minutes
Auditorium III

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Platinum Sponsors:
Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Sponsors:
Flag Moo ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion London User Research Centre Hello Group Corefactor
Silver Sponsors:
O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Wiley Tobii Technology
Axure - See it happen Goplan Survs - Asking for you Usabilla - Transparent Usability SensoMotoric Instruments Balsamiq Studios invoic€xpress
Media Sponsors:
Want Magazine UX Booth Lucrat Fresh GUI

Partners and Supporters:
TAP Portugal VIP Hotels AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Hospedeiras e Promotoras de Eventos SpringEventsMadeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Associação para a Promoção do Multimédia e da Sociedade Digital e-Skills Week
Log - Open Source Consulting Lisboa Convention Bureau Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações Cortes de Cima Nokia