In his blog,, Karri writes about user experience and interaction design and their role in advertising, social media, and mobile applications. Instead of strings of tactical solutions, he emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of the increasingly digital world, and talks about a new way of creating advertising, services and communication.
Too often teams are still approaching digital as an extension of the decades-old, one-way communications model by merely creating interactive versions of traditional executions. User experience designers, information architects and usability experts are brought into agencies and segregated to roles as new media translators, but are excluded from the higher level strategy, planning and creative design process. They become subject matter experts who are limited to a single medium or field.
This pattern won't change just by educating advertising professionals of the importance of the user experience - it takes a more fundamental change in the whole advertising industry - what people see as effective marketing, and how it is built. This presentation raises questions about how user experience design can contribute to a new, more integrated way of working across and through various media and disciplines.