This is an archived version of the 2010 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
12 to 14 May 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
Susan Weinschenk
Susan Weinschenk first used a computer in the mid-1970’s, in graduate school. “I wrote and ran my first computer program, and the printer spit out a piece of paper that said ‘JOB ABORTED’. Rather than being discouraged I was fascinated! What would happen when ‘normal people’, not computer scientists, interact with these things called computers?” She thus started a 30-year career in applying psychology to the design of technology.

Susan has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University, and her newest book, Neuro Web Design: What makes them click?, applies the latest research on neuroscience to the design of web sites. A popular speaker and presenter, her nickname is “The Brain Lady”. She is Chief of User Experience Strategy, Americas at Human Factors International.

Susan Weinschenk


How To Design Usable and Persuasive Web Sites


Why are some web sites intuitive, easy to use, and persuasive and others aren't? How can you design a website or product that is user-friendly? And what does it mean to your project and product plans to add usability and persuasion engineering in? We use lots of examples and demonstrations to show you what usability and persuasion design is, why it is important and what it means to you.

In this session you will learn:

Wednesday, 12 May @ 15:00-18:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 16:30-17:00
Auditorium II

Contact us to be put on the waiting list


Neuro Web Design: What makes them click?

We think that people are logical and rational, and that their decisions are made by careful thinking. But the reality is that the actions that people take at websites – whether they decide to register, buy, or take the action we would like them to take -- are made in a largely unconscious way. Although some decisions might come from the rational part of the brain, many decisions and actions are based on emotion, and many are based on automatic triggers that people react to from something at the website.
Friday, 14 May @ 16:35-17:15
40 minutes
Auditorium I

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Platinum Sponsors:
Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Sponsors:
Flag Moo ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion London User Research Centre Hello Group Corefactor
Silver Sponsors:
O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Wiley Tobii Technology
Axure - See it happen Goplan Survs - Asking for you Usabilla - Transparent Usability SensoMotoric Instruments Balsamiq Studios invoic€xpress
Media Sponsors:
Want Magazine UX Booth Lucrat Fresh GUI

Partners and Supporters:
TAP Portugal VIP Hotels AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Hospedeiras e Promotoras de Eventos SpringEventsMadeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Associação para a Promoção do Multimédia e da Sociedade Digital e-Skills Week
Log - Open Source Consulting Lisboa Convention Bureau Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações Cortes de Cima Nokia